Local Mental Health Advisory Councils (LACs) offer individuals, family members and mental health service providers the opportunity to make a real difference in how mental health care is provided in their community. They also offer counties and state policy makers the wisdom of those who experience mental health concerns first-hand.
LACs are made up of diverse groups of individuals that are representative of the community they serve. Generally, LACs are established by county boards to review, evaluate and provide recommendations for how to improve mental health services in their communities. Counties, county boards and community leaders can use LACs to advise them on a range of mental health-related topics, such as improving their local mental health and county social services.
It is strongly suggested that at least 51 percent of LAC members must be individuals with a lived experience of mental illness and family members of individuals with a lived experience. You can download a description of LAC member commitments, responsibilities, and qualifications here.
LAC meetings are held at Family Service Rochester, 4600 18th Ave NW, Rochester, MN on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 12:30-2pm.
If you have questions, contact Ashleigh H. Dowis, Director of Clinical Services, Family Service Rochester at (507) 287-2010 or email: OCLAC@familyservicerochester.org.
The Olmsted County Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council offers individuals, parents, and mental health service providers the opportunity to make a difference in how mental health care is provided in the community. If you are interested in using your experience and knowledge to help create a better adult mental health care system, please complete an application.