Once Upon a Playhouse, in partnership with the Rochester Area Builders, raises funds to support the Youth Mental Health services at Family Service Rochester - helping to keep them affordable and accessible.
Our playhouses will be on display all summer at both Sargent’s locations. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the register.
CRW Architecture and Kraus-Anderson
Knutson Construction
John Adams Middle School and Rochester Area Builders
RSP Architects and Weis Builders
CRW Architecture and Kraus-Anderson
Won by Kristen Livingston
Knutson Construction
Won by Stephanie Murphy
Kellogg Middle School and Rochester Area Builders
Won by Sherri Ball
built by CRW Architecture and Kraus-Anderson
Won by Scott Dolquist
built by Peak Remodel & Design
Won by Kyle Erie
built by Kellogg Middle School Students
Won by Christine Tomlinson
built by Peak Remodel & Design
Won by Michele Pretzer
built by Schmidt Carpentry
Won by Cadi Kiel
built by Oak Grove Farm Shelters
Won by Seth and Lena Mogler
built by Heartwood Homes
Won by Julie Larson-Keller