Volunteer Spotlight: Char Robinet

Char Robinet, a retired nurse, gardener, and avid golfer, has many hobbies AND takes time to deliver Meals on Wheels multiple times a week. Volunteering since 1993, Char got involved by helping a friend with her deliveries.

“At first, once a month, to a young, on-the-go person seemed like a lot of time out of my life," says Char. "As one grows older and sees the big picture, an hour is but a drop out of a bucket.”

When COVID hit, Char sprang into action, seeing the need for drivers and its impact on the meal recipients. “That's when I started saying ‘yes’ more and more, as people, both recipients of Meals and staff at Family Service were so thankful as well.”

For Char, some memorable volunteer moments come from those who always give a big THANK YOU and say how grateful they are to get the meal and see a friendly face.

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