Staff Spotlight: Theresa Sennes
Theresa started with FSR 29 years ago in October 1993. She was hired as a temporary receptionist through an agency, and then became an FSR employee in January 1994 as part of Consumer Credit Counseling.
During this time she was raising four kids under the age of four including twins born in 2001 making full-time work a challenge. In an early example of “work/life” balance, FSR worked with her to arrange reduced hours. Teresa shifted to working in payroll and doing some accounting work which aligned well with her education.In 2010, she returned to working full-time in accounting.
Theresa is grateful for the programs we have that benefit the community. Of course, she does have contact with clients, but in a role that works to make sure, they are able to receive those services.In her position working with accounts receivable, she works with insurance companies and payments from clients, she helps them feel they are understood. If they are struggling with payments, she works with them to ensure they are getting the services they and their families need. She likes that we provide the means for clients to receive services in a way they can afford. Theresa plays an important role in helping them do so.
Theresa cannot think of even wanting to go anywhere else. Over the years - three directors and three locations (four if you count now working remotely) - FSR has presented her with continuing opportunities for training, advancement, and expanding responsibilities. She likes what she does. She has always found it a comfortable place to work and appreciates the flexibility she finds here.
Over 29 years, Theresa has seen a lot of growth at FSR. More staff. Bigger facilities. And especially expanding programs that extend more services to more people. “As the agency has grown, I think it has been amazing what the agency has been able to take on," she says.