Rally for Recovery

Dave Beal
June 26, 2023 / 2 mins read

On Saturday, June 24, The Family Advocacy in Recovery and Restoration (FARR) program hosted a Rally for Recovery at Jaycee Park in Owatonna. The event included food and kid friendly activities as well as short presentations on the FARR program including mothers in recovery who have participated in the program. There was also be a community resource fair with information about various recovery services and support including FARR, Minnesota Promise, Crisis resources, Family Exchange Center. South Cemtral Human Relations Center and others.

Speaking with KAAL-TV ABC 6 News, program manager Justin Breaker said, “There’s not as many services in those communities already and our program serves moms that are currently or recently struggling with substance use disorder and have young kiddos. And, so, having access to these services in their community is a huge support to support them through recovery and to reduce barriers to services.”

Family Advocacy in Recovery and Restoration (FARR) provides recovery support for women who are pregnant and/or parenting children under 5 years. Services are culturally appropriate, gender specific, and comprehensive. FARR currently operates in the Rochester and Winona areas and is expanding into Dodge, Steele, and Waseca Counties. Speaking with KAAL-TV ABC 6 News, program manager Justin Breaker said, “There’s not as many services in those communities already and our program serves moms that are currently or recently struggling with substance use disorder and have young kiddos. And, so, having access to these services in their community is a huge support to support them through recovery and to reduce barriers to services.”

Last year, FARR served 42 mothers and 84 children – including 13 babies. All the pregnant mothers received pre-natal care. 11 of the 13 babies born tested negative for non-prescribed medication. All 13 babies born remained with their mother following birth.

FARR works in collaboration with PROOF Alliance to decrease the number of babies born exposed to substance use in-utero. FARR is support by the State of Minnesota and PROOF.

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