Our Current Covid-19 Policy

Dave Beal
August 24, 2021 / 1 mins read

Family Service Rochester is committed to protecting the health and safety of our clients, consumers, volunteers, and staff.

Our current policy:

Family Service Rochester does not require employees, individuals served, or volunteers to wear masks while inside any FSR buildings with the exception of those individuals not vaccinated. Anyone who chooses to wear a mask may do so.

As the pandemic persists:

  • We monitor the evolving situation and seek guidance from health experts and local authorities to make informed decisions on how to proceed.
  • We continue to provide our services in a manner that considers the needs of our clients and maintains the safety of our staff, volunteers, and the community.
  • We review all of our services and make changes as necessary as new information and guidance is received from health officials. Clients will be contacted directly regarding any changes that impact services they are receiving.

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